Julian Rocks “Nguthungulli” Nature Reserve

Just below the surface, the convergence of warm tropical and cool temperate waters create a unique underwater biodiversity, hosting more than 1000 species of marine life.

Above the water, Julian Rocks provide resting and nesting grounds for many seabirds, such as seagulls and cormorants.
Its protection supports a rich biodiversity including some threatened and protected species.

Julian Rocks have been recently listed as one of the 21 best dive sites in the world by National Geographic and is among the top 3 snorkelling spots in Australia.
Join on onboard our Byron Bay Snorkelling tour and discover the wonders Julian Rocks “Nguthungulli” Nature Reserve
The Aboriginal Legend Of Julian Rocks
Julian Rocks is a significant and sacred Aboriginal site to the Bundjalung of Byron Bay (Arakwal) people and is known as “Nguthungulli”.
In one story, “Nguthungulli”, Father of the World, who created all the land and the waters, the animals and plants, now rests in a cave at Julian Rocks.
The Elders have instructed over the generations that Nguthungulli must be protected from any misuse or it will cause destruction.
Bundjalung people used to walk to Nguthungulli to do ceremonies when the water levels were lower 7000 years ago.